my husband doesn’t eat healthy

Wait. Wait. Wait…. before you think this is going to be a BASH of my husband, you are absolutely wrong.

This is about you and YOUR husband, potentially, or spouse, or boyfriend, or wife, or whatever.

As many of you know , I got married 3 months ago! What a joy it has been. I used to think people were lying when they said they fall in love more and more each day. Now, I’m not saying it hasn’t been without any hiccups or rubbing on each other’s open wounds, but what I am saying is that I am more and more amazed and impressed with the man I married. I picked a good one.

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about the title.

One thing that I was NOT prepared for with marriage is the adjustment to each other’s eating habits and styles. My husband eats his first meal around 11AM, and his last meal around 9 or 10PM. He prefers larger meals later in the day, and protein shakes in the morning. I on the otherhand prefer a 4 meal day evenly spread out, with my last meal ending around 8pm.

So , as you can imagine, we had to do some compromising. Maybe this is you. Luckily for me, my husband loves whatever I cook, and usually it’s something healthy. He does however, like his sweets, which I don’t usually keep in the house.

We’ve both had to do some growing in this arena. Maybe you have to as well. I often hear clients talk about the different eating habits of their spouse, and here’s what I tell them:

  1. You don’t have to eat the same thing. is it preferred? YES!

  2. my husband and I agreed to do dinner together, which means we’re eating the dame meal at the same time, at least 1x per day.

  3. We both value health, which means we are on the same page about what KINDS of food we’re eating.

  4. If your spouse is not the healthy type, continue to make your own food in the way that you need to OR make a healthier version of their unhealthy favorites. We love tacos and burgers, so we just find healthier alternatives to satisfy that craving.

  5. If your spouse is completely opposed to your eating habits…remember that it is an honor and a privilege to be able to take care of your body through nutrition. It is not a sin to honor your body. :-)

<3 Stay Healthy, Stay Fit, Stay Flourishing


Unpopular opinion: SKIP THE AVOCADO TOASTS